UniFi Protect NVR

A bigger NVR for UniFi Protect finally hit the Early Access store early this morning… and was sold out by afternoon. Four LFF/SFF bays, support for RAID1 and RAID5, 1x GbE and 1x 10GbE SFP+ ports, and a port for the UniFi SmartPower Redundant Power System (also in EA). No details on the CPU or RAM but I’d presume it’s the same platform as the Cloud Key Gen2 Plus.

At $299 in EA it seems like a decent enough value.

I’ve ordered one, as I’m just finally starting to put Protect to real use in my backyard and the 5TB max drive size on the CKG2+ will soon be a problem. Hopefully I’ll find time to get the rest of my G3 Flex cameras up before the New Year.


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